Monday, September 3, 2012

Turning point

Life is nothing like a movie but you can make it as beautiful as you want, there's rainy days when life seems so hard but so what we gotta get up and dance in the rain make every moment the best moment, life has thought me more then I ever thought it would I can see the difference from the girl I used to be to the girl I have become I'm much stronger and more independent everyone is capable of doing things if they put their minds in it God has truly created good people but some people just don't seem to realize and use their strength, there's always a turning point in like whn you have to look at yourself and ask yourself what your doing with your life, life isn't all about having but creatin a better you as each day goes by there's times when I feel sad and like nobody values the things I do but I'm done thinking and feeling that way because at the end of the day I'm doing it for my own good nothing else I love my life but I wanna make it better to the point that I can be so but so proud of myself for makin it to the top & once I make it to the help others make their dreams come true .