Friday, May 18, 2012

As a kid

As a kid we really dont know whats really going on around us. We really don't know whats wrong or right, we think life is easy cause it looks pretty easy. But as we grow up everything we used to think changes a lot. When i was a kid, oh lord i thought my life was perfect. It actually seemed perfect to what the TV shows and movies would make you think that was called perfect. Nothing is perfect in life and as a kid i didnt know that, i thought having your parents together a house and a sister was the definition of perfect. But as i grew up i found out things that changed the way i used to look at my own family. Not everyone goes to the same stuff in life but we all do learn that life is not perfect and that the way things seemed arent always the way they actually are. We all learn this as we grow up but we all learn it in different ways. As a kid i used to think that i had it all never knew there was such thing as a struggle or anything like that. My parents always spoiled me but never tried to tell me that everything was okay to do. I honestly never thought that being an adult or a teenager would be as hard as people say. As kids we want to grow old but once we are growing up we seemed to get slapped by life, life wasnt as easy as we thought it would be but thats a part of life and we all learn from everything.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that growing from a child to an adult can be a tough challenge, and that part of that challenge is coming to terms inside yourself with the knowledge that things often aren't as simple or as clear as they seemed when you were a child. That's why you hear people talk about the "innocence of childhood", I suppose.

    It is possible to lead a full, happy, and productive life, Nayra, and even to find a new kind of "perfection" and beauty in the more nuanced, complex world in which as an adult you find yourself.

    I'm excited about working with you to write some beginning ELL books. You think deeply and have a lot to say. By writing you could share some of those thoughts and feelings in a way that helps others grow from children into adults.
